Memory Mapped Files

In this section, you will implement memory-mapped pages. Unlike anonymous pages, memory-mapped pages are file-backed mappings. The contents in the page mirror data in some existing file. If a page fault occurs, a physical frame is immediately allocated and the contents are copied into the memory from the file. When memory-mapped pages are unmapped or swapped out, any change in the content is reflected in the file.

mmap and munmap System Call

Implement mmap and munmap, which are the two system calls for memory mapped files. Your VM system must load pages lazily in mmap regions and use the mmaped file itself as a backing store for the mapping. You should implement and use do_mmap and do_munmap defined in vm/file.c to implement these two system calls.

void *mmap (void *addr, size_t length, int writable, int fd, off_t offset);

Maps length bytes the file open as fd starting from offset byte into the process's virtual address space at addr. The entire file is mapped into consecutive virtual pages starting at addr. If the length of the file is not a multiple of PGSIZE, then some bytes in the final mapped page "stick out" beyond the end of the file. Set these bytes to zero when the page is faulted in, and discard them when the page is written back to disk. If successful, this function returns the virtual address where the file is mapped. On failure, it must return NULL which is not a valid address to map a file.

A call to mmap may fail if the file opened as fd has a length of zero bytes. It must fail if addr is not page-aligned or if the range of pages mapped overlaps any existing set of mapped pages, including the stack or pages mapped at executable load time. In Linux, if addr is NULL, the kernel finds an appropriate address at which to create the mapping. For simplicity, you can just attempt to mmap at the given addr. Therefore, if addr is 0, it must fail, because some Pintos code assumes virtual page 0 is not mapped. Your mmap should also fail when length is zero. Finally, the file descriptors representing console input and output are not mappable.

Memory-mapped pages should be also allocated in a lazy manner just like anonymous pages. You can use vm_alloc_page_with_initializer or vm_alloc_page to make a page object.

void munmap (void *addr);

Unmaps the mapping for the specified address range addr, which must be the virtual address returned by a previous call to mmap by the same process that has not yet been unmapped.

All mappings are implicitly unmapped when a process exits, whether via exit or by any other means. When a mapping is unmapped, whether implicitly or explicitly, all pages written to by the process are written back to the file, and pages not written must not be. The pages are then removed from the process's list of virtual pages.

Closing or removing a file does not unmap any of its mappings. Once created, a mapping is valid until munmap is called or the process exits, following the Unix convention. See Removing an Open File for more information. You should use the file_reopen function to obtain a separate and independent reference to the file for each of its mappings.

If two or more processes map the same file, there is no requirement that they see consistent data. Unix handles this by making the two mappings share the same physical page, and the mmap system call also has an argument allowing the client to specify whether the page is shared or private (i.e. copy-on-write).

You may want to modify vm_file_init and vm_file_initializer in vm/vm.c according to your needs.

void vm_file_init (void);

Initializes the file-backed page subsystem. In this function, you can setup anything related to the file backed page.

bool file_backed_initializer (struct page *page, enum vm_type type, void *kva);

Initializes a file-backed page. The function first sets up the handlers for file-backed pages in page->operations. You may want to update some information on the page struct, such as the file that is backing the memory.

static void file_backed_destroy (struct page *page);

Destroys the file backed page by closing the associated file. If the content is dirty, make sure you write back the changes into the file. You do not need to free the page struct in this function. The caller of file_backed_destroy should handle it.

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